Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Be A Leader,Not A BOSS

How often people failed to be a leader because they do not act like a leader but they act like a boss..H.Gordon Selfridge is the one of the organizer department store in London,one of the biggest department store in the world.He reach his goal to be succeed because he can be a leader not a boss.....
What's the different between a leader and a boss?This following is the difference between a man act like a leader and a man act like a boss.

A boss employ his employee
but a leader inspire them

A boss rely his directionary
but a leader rely his good desire

A boss cause frightened
but a leader giving forth of love

A boss said ME
but a leader said US

A boss show who's wrong
but a leader show what's wrong

A boss know how something can be done
but a leader know how to do it

A boss claim a respect
but a leader arose a respect

A boss said GO!
but a leader said LET'S GO!

SO make your self to be a leader and not to be a BOSS


Anonymous said...

uhui... bikinan sndiri nehh???

- inquisition symphony - said...

bgus de . hahay - btw nh blog g . bukan yg grup . di link dnk . hahaaa .


Sck students Art said...

gud2.. eh follow blogs gw dunk.. d

Cool!Warta.. said...

thankyu smua..

Fionna Gracia said...


Jeremy Michael said...

I want to be a leader =)

japanese street styler said...

wahahaaa . krenn . wkwkwk , kata-katanya mantabs ! jepe lohh ,
hhaaay -

Juanz -

Tommy Winarta said...

Whoa. Betul banget tuh... Nice post!

- said...

bisa jadi inspirasi nih buat kita2...
it would be inspiration for US...


Cool!Warta.. said...

thx man!!hhahah..

ilovedisney said...

keren deh blog nya..:)


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